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Private house

Antwerp, Belgium

Project : Cladding

Variety : Thermory® Thermofrêne

Rail : Flat Rail

Architect : Dieter Vander Velpen

Photographer : Selslatem Debruyckere

Rail (linear metres)

116.2 lm


70 m2

The ash cladding on the first floor adds warmth to the façade and is echoed with the joinery. From the double-height entrance hall to the living areas and garden, an unbroken line of sight creates a feeling of openness. One of the curiosities of the house is the glass “car cupboard”, which contains one of the superb classic cars in the owner’s collection – in this case, a 1967 Maserati Mexico.
The choice of cladding creates a perfect harmony between the modern architecture of the house and the retro charm of the car. The Grad® system fully met the client’s expectations, offering both the modernity of cladding with invisible fastenings and a warm atmosphere that blends perfectly with the surrounding spaces.





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PR39 - Cladding

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PR24 - Cladding

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Start Rail - Cladding

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Mini Rail - Cladding

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Flat Rail - Cladding

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Top Rail - Decking

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PR56 - Decking

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PR39 - Decking

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PR24 - Decking

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Flat Rail - Decking

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